"On the implementation of a modern organizational system in the activities of garden plot owners and peasant farms and additional measures of financial support" President Decree (PF-22, dated 14.02.2025) has been adopted. The Ministry of Justice reported this.
According to the Decree, the Council of Uzbekistan's farmers, peasant farms, and garden plot owners has been renamed as the Council of Uzbekistan's Farmers.
The Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment has been assigned additional tasks and functions related to the development of peasant farms and household gardens, including:
- complete inventory of land areas in household gardens and peasant farms and maintaining a record of agricultural products grown there, as well as forming a clear and detailed database on the “Online mahalla” platform;
- organizing the cultivation of high-income products in household gardens based on green and innovative approaches, taking into account the specialization potential and opportunities of districts and neighborhoods, thereby ensuring the population's employment in high-income labor and lifting them out of poverty.
A council has been formed to develop the activities of garden plot owners and peasant farms and to expand the production of agricultural products.
A Fund to Support Farmer Economies, as well as a Fund to Support the Activities of Peasant Farms and Garden Plot Owners, have been established under the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment.