
Firdavs Fridunovich Abdukhalikov

Author of the idea

Firdavs Abdukholikov was born on August 10, 1963, in Samarkand.

He is a deputy of the II convocation of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and has been the General Director of the Uzbekistan Cinematography Agency since 2019. Since 2018, he has been the Chairman of the Board of the World Society for the Study, Preservation, and Promotion of the Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan. He is also a journalist honored in Uzbekistan, a producer, and the author of several books.

Firdavs Abdukholikov graduated from the U.Samiev Secondary School No. 16 in Samarkand in 1980. He studied at the Faculty of Philology at Samarkand State University from 1980 to 1985 and at the Faculty of Economics at Samarkand State University from 2001 to 2007.

Work Activity

1985-1987 — Teacher at Samarkand City Vocational School No. 33.

1987-1988 — Deputy Director for Educational and Training Affairs at the Printing Vocational School No. 16 in Samarkand.

1988-1989 — Director of the Youth Center of Samarkand Region.

1989-1998 — Founder and General Director of STV (Samarkand Television), the first non-governmental television company.

1998-1999 — Deputy Chairman of "Uztelekompaniya".

1999-2004 — Deputy of the II convocation of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1999-2001 — Chairman of the Youth Affairs Commission of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

1999-2002 — Chief Advisor to the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

2003-2022 — Founder and Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan.

In 2018 — Chairman of the Board of the World Society for the Study, Preservation, and Promotion of the Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan.

On September 12, 2019, he was appointed General Director of the "Uzbekkino" National Agency by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which was later renamed the Uzbekistan Cinematography Agency.

Literary Activity

He is the author of many books on Uzbekistan's historical heritage, including "Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan in the World Collections", "Architectural Epigraphy of Uzbekistan", "Guardians of Centuries-Old Traditions", and others.

Producer Activity

He has been the chief producer and co-author of more than 30 films, including:

- "Uzbekistan — Jewel of the Sands"
- "Karakalpakstan. Through the Sands of Time"
- "Nukus. The Unknown Collection"
- "Uzbekistan. A Legend About Love"
- "Uzbekistan. Looking Towards the Third Renaissance"
- "Uzbekistan. Renaissance"
- "I Am Not a Terrorist"
- "Ilhaq"
- "The People's Courage"
- "The Warmth of the Sun"
- "Captivity"
- "Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan in the World Collections" series
- "The People's Spirit" series

He has also collaborated with BBC, EURONEWS, CNBC, and others on projects like "The Great Langar Quran: Secrets and Truths", "New Uzbekistan", and other projects.

Titles and Awards

- 2000 — "Sign of Uzbekistan" badge.
- 2001 — "Ten Years of Independence of Uzbekistan" badge.
- 2011 — "Golden Pen" national award.
- 2011 — "Honored Journalist of the Republic of Uzbekistan" honorary title.
- 2016 — "Twenty-Five Years of Independence of Uzbekistan" badge.
- 2017 — "Twenty-Five Years of the Constitution of Uzbekistan" badge.
- 2018 — "Labor Glory" order.
- 2019 — International "Avicenna" award.
- 2021 — "Excellent Cinematographer of the Republic of Tajikistan" badge.
- 2021 — "Thirty Years of Independence of Uzbekistan" badge.