The campaign for the election of deputies of the Oliy Majlis Legislative Chamber and local councils has started. The Press Service of the Central Election Commission is reporting this.
As known, according to Article 128 of the Constitution, elections to the Oliy Majlis Legislative Chamber, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional, district, and city representative bodies of state authority are held on the first Sunday of the third decade of October of the year when their constitutional term of office expires.
In accordance with Article 128 of the Constitution and Articles 14, 36 of the Election Code, the election of deputies of the Oliy Majlis Legislative Chamber and local councils will be held on Sunday, 27 October 2024.
Based on the deadlines specified in the Constitution and the Election Code, the Central Election Commission, starting from today, i.e., from 26 July 2024, has launched the election campaign for the deputies of the Oliy Majlis Legislative Chamber and local councils, and approved the Calendar plan.