A young man from Bukhara distributed shameful pictures of the girl he loved on Telegram. This was reported by the press service of the Cybersecurity Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs here.
As noted, Y.Sh., a resident of the Bukhara region, appealed to the Cybersecurity Center, stating that unknown individuals had distributed his embarrassing photo and video images on Telegram.
As a result of prompt search operations conducted by the authorities, it was determined that the crime was committed by R.R., a resident of the Bukhara region.
R.R., who was involved in the investigation as a suspect, had been in a romantic relationship with the victim, Y.Sh., for some time and had obtained various indecent photographs through Telegram, which he then distributed to the victim's relatives.
Regarding this case, criminal charges have been initiated against R.R. under part 2 of Article 141/3 of the Criminal Code.