
A 3-year-old child was beaten in a kindergarten in Tashkent.

A disciplinary sanction in the form of a reprimand was applied to the educator.

Image of 'A 3-year-old child was beaten in a kindergarten in Tashkent.'

An employee of a private preschool institution in Tashkent city insulted and beat a 3-year-old nursery school attendee. The Children's Ombudsman reported this.

It has been noted that the Children's Ombudsman received an appeal from residents of Tashkent city, I.N. and B.N. (parents). In their appeal, the parents reported that their child, born in 2021, attending the private preschool, was beaten and insulted by the duty teacher, Sh.K. (female), on June 29th of this year.

According to I.A., when they attempted to approach the institution's director to obtain a copy of the video footage, permission was denied, and no action was taken against the teacher.

Upon the Children's Ombudsman's request to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the ministry officials investigated the matter.

As a result of the investigation, a disciplinary sanction of reprimand was issued against the nursery teacher Sh.K. Additionally, the ministry reported that it would systematically monitor the institution's future activities to prevent any acts of pressure on children. 

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