
Andy can no longer be the chairman of the local council.

The council of people's deputies is chaired by a chairman elected from among the deputies.

Image of 'Andy can no longer be the chairman of the local council.'

At the next plenary session of the Senate, a law aimed at introducing amendments and additions targeting the improvement of the activity of local state government bodies in connection with the adoption of the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was discussed. The Senate press service reported this.

This law encompasses significant changes aimed at increasing the responsibility of local state government bodies towards our citizens, strengthening the cooperation between local councils and state government bodies, and ensuring more transparent and efficient administration.

The law specifies that the positions of the governor and the chairman of the local council are to be separated, and henceforth a governor cannot be the chairman of the local council.

Furthermore, it is stipulated that the chairpersons of the councils of people's deputies are to be elected from among the deputies, and they are to carry out their activities on a public basis, with provisions made for their dismissal from position until the end of their term of office.

In addition, the requirement is being reinforced for documents adopted by the councils of people's deputies and governors to be registered in the unified electronic system for the development, agreement, and registration of decisions of local state government bodies. Documents not registered in this system are considered invalid and do not have legal consequences.

The law introduces certain changes to the powers and duties of the governors of regions, districts, and cities, according to which governors are to present a development program for the region to the local council for consideration.

Additionally, the law expands the powers of the chairman of the local council, envisaging the introduction of the "Council Inquiry" and "Council Inspection" mechanisms.

Following the discussion, the law was unanimously approved.

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