
In Tashkent, the bus lights were turned off, and passengers were demanded to pay the fare in cash.

The driver was dismissed, and the documents related to the violation committed were submitted to the law enforcement agencies.

Image of 'In Tashkent, the bus lights were turned off, and passengers were demanded to pay the fare in cash.'

On the Telegram social network, a post was made about an incident involving a bus driver and a civilian not associated with the field, operating a "Yutong" brand bus with the state registration number 01|472 ALA, and fleet number 766, on route number 72 under the control of JSC "Toshshahartranshizmat"'s "2nd Bus Depot" branch, who, at around 19:50 that day, during the route, demanded cash fares from passengers with the lights off inside the bus cabin. The Information Service of JSC "Toshshahartranshizmat" provided information about the situation. 

The said incident, which took place on March 14, 2025, was confirmed to have occurred after responsible officials from the "2nd Bus Depot" branch of JSC "Toshshahartranshizmat" checked the bus cabin's surveillance equipment. 

On that day, an urgent critical meeting was held with J.L.Mannopov, the director of the "2nd Bus Depot" branch, responsible employees of the branch, drivers of the route belonging to the branch, and the driver of route number 72, J.X, together. During the meeting, the violation committed by driver J.X was discussed, and his employment contract was terminated for severely violating the internal discipline and regulations of the company. 

Furthermore, for the purpose of obtaining a legal assessment of the violation committed by driver J.X, a set of documents was submitted to the law enforcement agencies. 

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