
In electronic purchasing applications, an option called “Green Payment” will be introduced as a voluntary surcharge.

The President became acquainted with the presentation of proposals in the field of environmental protection and tourism.

Image of 'In electronic purchasing applications, an option called “Green Payment” will be introduced as a voluntary surcharge.'

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev became acquainted with the presentation of proposals in the fields of environmental protection and tourism on September 19. This was reported by the Press Service of the President here.

Nowadays, keeping the air clean and minimizing the impact of ecological events is becoming increasingly crucial. Therefore, two programs have been developed in this direction.

The first is a national program designed for 2024 - 2030 to combat dust storms and mitigate their effects. This document plans the gradual total ban on the sale and use of fuels below the "Euro-4" standard. For this, the Bukhara and Fergana oil refineries will be modernized to produce high-quality fuel.

The second is a program of measures aimed at improving air quality in Tashkent, foreseeing the creation of 441 hectares of "green belts" and parks in the capital and adjacent districts of Tashkent region over the next 5 years.

In order to regulate sanitation cleaning works, it is proposed to establish an Agency for Waste Management and Circular Economy Development based on the existing center. According to the effectiveness indicators of sanitation enterprises, a rating system will be introduced, dividing them into three categories.

New buildings with a height of more than 12 meters or a total area of more than 500 square meters must have at least 25 percent of the adjacent territory landscaped. Also, industrial enterprises with significant environmental impacts will be obligated to create "green belts."

Attention was also paid to preventing ecological violations, enhancing public oversight in this area, and encouraging active and passionate individuals by proposing the establishment of a "Honored Ecologist of the Republic of Uzbekistan" honorary title.

The process of making decisions related to environmental issues will consider the public's access to information, participation, and access to justice as per the Aarhus Convention.

The appropriateness of introducing an article into the Code on Administrative Responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements for protecting atmospheric air on construction sites was stated. Also, measures to increase and stiffen fines for cutting and deliberately drying trees, illegal extraction of sand-gravel from river beds, and dumping waste in unauthorized places will be considered.

An ecological labeling system was introduced in the republic by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 27, 2019. Now, voluntary ecological labeling of products and services under the "Green sign" according to the ISO 14024 international standard will be implemented. Lists and schedules for the installation of automatic monitoring stations, dust-gas cleaning equipment, and water purification facilities will be approved in 2,336 economic entities.

A "Green charity fund" will be established within the Ministry of Ecology, managed under public oversight and without the status of a legal entity. An optional "Green payment" surcharge type will be launched in electronic purchase applications.

Another issue in the field concerns the protection of wild animals, which has not been legally regulated for keeping them in households. Henceforth, keeping wild animals in home conditions, circuses, and showgrounds, as well as using them in shows, will be prohibited. Wild creatures kept by individuals and in circuses will be handed over to zoos, rehabilitation centers, aquariums, nurseries, and research institutions.

The presentation also discussed measures to develop medical tourism.

For this purpose, Uzbekistan will be promoted as the "attractive point" of Central Asia in this direction. The "Hospitality for Medical Services" program will be implemented. The activity of medical and health institutions will be encouraged, and a unified registry for them will be launched. The operation of sanatoriums with star ratings similar to hotels will be introduced.

The head of our state gave instructions to thoroughly develop document projects in these areas and organize their implementation effectively.

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