
How should one eat to slow down the aging process?

By paying serious attention to structuring a dietary regimen, it is possible to significantly delay aging and its unpleasant consequences, such as the formation of wrinkles.

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Not only is the selection of products important, but knowing how to consume them is also crucial.

The Ministry of Health's Press Service has gone through the main rules of nutrition to slow down aging here. 

Choose natural and “real” products. Primarily, avoid processed products which have most of their vitamins and nutrients removed during production, but are filled with toxins and hidden sugars. Instead of semi-finished products, buy beef, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. 

Eat less, but chew slowly. It has been scientifically proven that limiting calories extends life. Eating slowly improves the absorption of nutrients and digestion, and also supports the balance of intestinal flora, which is very important for protecting the immune system.

Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet. They supply our body with prebiotics and antioxidants that fight against some of the effects of aging. Although many are aware of the benefits of fruits and vegetables, they are usually not sufficiently present on our tables. Instead, our diet tends to include more meat or processed products.

Your diet should also include herbs and spices. Aromatic spices have antioxidant, digestive, disinfectant, antiglycation, anti-inflammatory, and other beneficial properties. Especially beneficial are turmeric, cinnamon, basil, ginger, garlic, rosemary (bibariya), coriander, cardamom, cumin, and fennel. They not only diversify your menu but also help preserve youth.

Eat less beef, fish, and poultry, but choose quality. For strong health and vitality, you only need 0.8-1 gram of animal protein per kilogram of body weight. In general, this means eating beef, fish, or poultry once a day. The main thing is to find quality products that do not contain hormones and antibiotics. Plant products (vegetables, grains, nuts) which also contain protein, should form the main part of an anti-aging diet.

To look younger and feel more vigorous, it is essential not only to balance your diet but also to regulate your sleep pattern, as well as to adopt regular physical activity. Otherwise, no “rejuvenating apple” will work.

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