On October 24 of the current year, the next mass event of the Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople Movement – Uzbekistan's Liberal Democratic Party was organized in our capital.
“Together, we will build a free, prosperous, and powerful new Uzbekistan!” was the slogan of the mass event, where important issues from the party's pre-election program were discussed.
Especially, the party will earnestly strive to increase the volume of gross domestic product to 160 billion dollars by 2030, and the income per capita to 4 thousand dollars. The O‘zLiDeP will take all necessary measures to transform Uzbekistan into a country of entrepreneurs and to increase the number of businesspeople in our country to more than 3 million. In general, these initiatives of the party will reduce the state's influence in the national economy and create an environment of pure competition based on market relations.
The promotion event discussed the party's tasks of constantly focusing on the intellectual and creative communities, supporting them materially and morally, improving working and living conditions, as well as enhancing the material-technical base of cultural and sports institutions, libraries, theaters, and museums. Additionally, the party will pay special attention to building 1 million residential houses by allocating 15 billion dollars to additional housing construction over the next five years. A system will be introduced to refund half of the value-added tax to citizens who purchase new homes.
The party believes it is necessary to create attractive jobs for the youth, assist in financing entrepreneurial activities, and develop a system of paid internships in state organizations for students. Special housing will be built for the youth, and each year 1,000 young families will be provided with preferential mortgage loans. The rights and interests of women, their economic, social, and political activities will be enhanced, and serious attention will be paid to increasing women's skills in remote work and digital entrepreneurship.
At the promotion event, it was emphasized that the pre-election program of the party includes initiatives of utmost importance for the city dwellers, such as adopting the “Clean Air – 2030 National Program” to improve air quality in all regions, primarily in Tashkent City, developing the necessary infrastructure for eco-friendly transport, and introducing additional incentives for the popularization of electric vehicles. Regardless of the form of ownership, strict adherence to working time standards in all labor collectives, ensuring that governors are accountable before the Council, increasing their responsibilities and accountability, and integrating standards of interaction between citizens and personnel of internal affairs and national guard bodies, thereby truly transforming them into protectors in the eyes of the people is also among these tasks.
Additionally, propositions were made to take drastic measures to significantly reduce road traffic accidents, deprive drivers moving at high speeds of the right to drive, and grant those bereaved of their providers due to traffic and other types of crimes, the right to receive alimony until reaching the age of 18.
At the end of the event, participants were encouraged to support and vote for O‘zLiDeP in the upcoming elections.
The promotional event concluded with songs and music by famous artists. Voters gathered at the event expressed their full support for the party's goals and ideas.