
No precipitation is expected in Uzbekistan today.

The temperature will be around 3-8°.

Image of 'No precipitation is expected in Uzbekistan today.'

According to the Meteorological Service, no precipitation is expected during the day  today. Fog may descend in some areas. The wind will blow at a speed of 7-12 m/s. The temperature will be 3-8° warm, in the north it will be 2° cold to 3° warm.

Precipitation is not expected in our capital. The wind will blow at a speed of 3-8 m/s. The temperature will be 6-8° warm. 

Precipitation is not expected in the mountainous areas. Fog may descend in some areas. The wind will blow at a speed of 7-12 m/s. The temperature will be 3° cold to 2° warm.

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