
A citizen who ate a snake alive in Jizzakh was fined.

A video of a citizen eating a snake alive is spreading on social networks.

Image of 'A citizen who ate a snake alive in Jizzakh was fined.'

Studies were conducted in collaboration with the Jizzakh Regional Department of Ecology, Zomin District Division, and members of the Internal Affairs Bodies regarding the situation. 

During the investigation, it was found that the incident  was committed by a citizen  Q. H.   

The citizen has violated the requirements of the Articles 4, 30, 51, 53 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "Protection and Use of Animal World" with this action. 

 The state inspectors imposed a fine on the citizen in the amount of 20 times the basic calculation value (7.5 million) according to the part 1 of Article 90 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility. 

 Additionally, the damage caused to nature was assessed at 1,125,000 UZS, according to the press service of the Jizzakh Regional Department of Ecology. 

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