
Bukhara State Technical University will be established.

An Advanced Engineering School in the field of oil and gas engineering will be established at the university.

Image of 'Bukhara State Technical University will be established.'

“On the establishment of Bukhara State Technical University” Presidential Decree (PD-22, January 24, 2024) was adopted. The Ministry of Justice reported about this. 

According to the Decree, Bukhara State Technical University will be established on the basis of Bukhara Engineering-Technology Institute and Bukhara Institute of Management of Natural Resources.

Engineering, manufacturing, food technology, light industry, oil and gas, green energy, architecture and construction, transportation and logistics, agrotechnology, information technologies and programming, as well as training of highly qualified specialists and scientific-pedagogical staff in accordance with the needs of the region for highly qualified personnel have been identified as one of the main tasks of the University.

An Advanced engineering school in the field of oil and gas engineering will be established at the University.

From the 2025/2026 academic year:

A system for assessing the students' learning outcomes and the efficiency of professors and teachers based on international practices will be implemented;

University professors and doctoral students will be sent to leading foreign higher education and research institutions for scientific internships and professional development;

Major manufacturing enterprises and organizations will be associated with the University as industrial partners;

From January 1, 2026, the University will be granted academic, organizational, and financial independence.

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