
The sentence translates to: A verdict was announced by the court to Qobul Dusov.

Earlier, a former deputy was sentenced to 1 year of restricted freedom, after which he was transferred to a penal colony to serve his sentence.

Image of 'The sentence translates to: A verdict was announced by the court to Qobul Dusov.'

The criminal case against K. Dusov (born in 1984 in Samarkand region) was concluded in an open court session at the Arnasoy district court for criminal cases, and the verdict was announced here.

According to the court verdict, K. Dusov was found not guilty of the criminal charges against citizen M. Eshimkulov under parts "а", "г" of section 3 of article 139, and part "а" of section 3 of article 140 of the Criminal Code, and against citizens O. Kamolova and Sh. Hasanova under parts "а", "г" of section 3 of article 139 of the Criminal Code, due to the lack of occurrence of the criminal event as expressed in the accusation episodes, and was acquitted based on paragraph 1 of article 83 of the Criminal Procedure Code acquitted.

K. Dusov was found guilty of committing crimes stipulated by part "а" of section 3 of article 139, and part "а" of section 3 of article 140 of the Criminal Code against four victims (officials of the system of preschool and school education department of Jizzakh region N. Yalgasheva, O. Kamolova, Sh. Hasanova, and S. Suyarova) and was sentenced to 1 year and 2 months of imprisonment according to the Criminal Code articles 59, part 8 of article 59, and article 61. The sentence is to be served in penal colonies.

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