
Paris-2024: On the first day, our athletes will participate in 7 types of sports.

The Summer Olympic Games have begun.

Image of 'Paris-2024: On the first day, our athletes will participate in 7 types of sports.'

Today, from July 27 the Paris-2024 Summer Olympic Games officially started.

On the first day of the competitions, the Uzbekistan delegation will participate in 7 sports types including:

Rowing – Anna Prakaten

Swimming  Ilya Sibirsev, Anastasia Zelinskaya

Judo  Doston Ruziev, Halima Kurbonova

Sport Gymnastics  Rasuljon Abdurahimov, Habibullo Ergashev, Abdulla Azimov

Boxing  Nigina Uktamova

Road Cycling  Olga Zabelinskaya

Football – Uzbekistan-Egypt 

As a reminder, yesterday, July 26, the grand opening ceremony of the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games took place. The parade of participants was organized for the first time not in the stadium, but on the River Seine. The flag bearers of the Uzbekistan delegation were Abdumalik Khalakov and Zaynab Dayibekova.

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