
The Uzbek criminal was arrested in Turkey.

He has been wanted for 10 years.

Image of 'The Uzbek criminal was arrested in Turkey.'

A Uzbek man wanted for fraud in car buying and selling was detained in Turkey and deported. The consulate general of Uzbekistan in Istanbul reported this.

It was reported that during a rapid operation conducted in cooperation between the Ministries of Internal Affairs of Turkey and Uzbekistan, a man born in 1979, identified as J.K., who has been wanted since 2014 for committing numerous fraud crimes in car trading, was arrested in Istanbul and deported to Uzbekistan on August 3rd with the participation of consulate general employees.

Citizens who were victims of this person's actions are requested to contact the Consulate General in Istanbul, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, or its subordinate systems.

“Criminal prosecution will consistently continue against every individual hiding in foreign countries, including Turkey, to escape criminal liability, and the principle of accountability for crimes will be strictly enforced,” the report states.

The consulate general, noting the increasing number of complaints about fraud cases recently, urged citizens to be wary of being deceived.

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