
In Karakalpakstan, it was determined that 7 documents adopted by the administration were contrary to the law.

Some of them have led to the infringement of consumers' rights and legal interests.

Image of 'In Karakalpakstan, it was determined that 7 documents adopted by the administration were contrary to the law.'

The Competition Development and Consumer Rights Protection Committee identified situations in the documents of 7 district administrations in Karakalpakstan that are contrary to the competition legislation.

It is reported that during the first half of 2024, the Karakalpakstan Competition Committee conducted studies on more than 15,000 normative-legal and other types of documents regarding the requirements of the "Competition Law" in 11 district administrations.

In the course of these studies, in the district administrations of Amudarya, Chimboy, Kegeyli, Takhtakopir, Korauzak, TakhiaTash, and Khodjeyli 31 instances were detected where undue privileges, preferences, concessions, and exclusive rights putting other economic entities in the goods or financial markets at an advantage, prioritizing in contract signings, implementing goods to certain buyers primarily which leads to restrictions on competition and to the infringement of consumers' rights and legitimate interests through other types of documents were issued.

As a result, parts 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 13 of the first section of Article 22 of the "Competition Law" were violated.

Based on the results of the above investigation, the minutes and dispatch letters of 7 district administrations were harmonized with the "Competition Law" requirements, and presentations were submitted to eliminate the violations and to prevent such situations in the future.

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