
Information was provided on how many applicants were disqualified from the entrance exams.

The Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency provided information about those who were excluded.

Image of 'Information was provided on how many applicants were disqualified from the entrance exams.'

Today, on August 8th, at the Public Relations Center, the leadership of the Education and Skills Assessment Agency held a press conference dedicated to the preliminary results of the entrance test exams for the 2024-2025 academic year for educational institutions.

It was noted that the entrance test exams for higher and professional education institutions for the 2024-2025 academic year were conducted openly and impartially in 73 large venues from July 14 to July 25, 2024, following the principle “test first, choice after”.

To ensure the process was safe and without losses, 1,578 internal affairs employees, 833 National Guard members, 314 Fire Safety employees, and 233 Healthcare System workers were involved.

To ensure transparency of the test exams, their process was broadcast online through television and directly on the website.

For the applicants' parents and the general public, shaded waiting areas and light refreshments stalls were arranged, and big screens were installed for them to watch the test process online.

To conduct the test exams fairly and transparently, nearly 3,000 group supervisors were selected through an open competition from among the general public, and 120 sign language interpreters were involved to provide practical assistance to applicants with speech and hearing impairments.

The daily results of the test exams were published on the official website of the Education and Skills Assessment Agency the day after the exams took place.

Out of the 805,688 applicants who submitted documents, 740,352 (91.9%) participated in the test exams, and 65,336 (8.1%) did not participate for various reasons.

Of the 740,352 applicants who participated in the test exams, over 418,000 or 56.5% (in 2023, 53.3%) scored above 56.7 points and thus qualified to compete, while over 321,000 or 43.5% (in 2023, 46.7%) scored below 56.7 points and did not qualify.

210 applicants (in 2023, 119 applicants) scored 189 points or higher, including 91 graduates of the “Temurbeklar Maktabi” military-academic lyceum who scored above 189 points.

The highest score, 217.4 points, was achieved by a graduate of the “Temurbeklar Maktabi” military-academic lyceum, whose main subjects in the complex of examined subjects were history and a foreign language. Additionally, among the 210 applicants who scored 189 points or higher:

77 had history and a foreign language as their main subjects in the complex of examined subjects;

43 had biology and chemistry as their main subjects in the complex of examined subjects;

40 had the native language and literature and English as their main subjects in the complex of examined subjects;

21 were applicants whose main subjects in the complex of examined subjects were the fundamentals of state law and a foreign language.

Furthermore, 43,677 applicants (in 2023, 25,661 applicants) participating in the test exams held foreign language certificates, out of which 76 scored the maximum (189.0) points. Applicants holding a national certificate in general education subjects accounted for 13,142 (in 2023, 3,255), with

118 scoring the maximum (189.0) points. The number of applicants holding both a national certificate for general education subjects and a foreign language certificate was 4,259 (in 2023, 355), out of which 74 scored the maximum (189.0) points.

During the test exams, a total of 159 applicants were excluded from the exams for violating regulations.

Specifically, 62 applicants were found to have violated the test exam regulations at the entrance area and 97 during the exam process. Applicants were granted the opportunity to choose up to five higher education institutions and bachelor's degree programs based on the scores obtained in the test exams, through the official website of the Education and Skills Assessment Agency from July 27 to August 10, 2024.

Additionally, entrance test exams for academic lyceums for the 2024-2025 academic year were also conducted from July 25 to July 27 by the Education Assessment Agency.

In this regard:

Entrance test exams were held for academic lyceums of Republican higher education institutions, academic lyceums under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, academic lyceums associated with Tashkent State Law University, “Temurbeklar Maktabi”, “Young Border Guards”, Jalaliddin Manguberdi military-academic lyceums, with 55,301 out of the required 62,728 candidates, or 88.2%, participating.

A total of 7,427 candidates, or 11.8%, did not attend the test exam.

To ensure transparency in the entrance test exams for academic lyceums, the exams were broadcast on television (“Viasat Explorer” channel) as well as online on the website.

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