
For the railways of Uzbekistan, 6 electric trains will be purchased for 220 million euros.

The project aims to increase passenger transportation to 1.3 million people per year and create more than 300 additional job positions.

Image of 'For the railways of Uzbekistan, 6 electric trains will be purchased for 220 million euros.'

Uzbekistan Railways will purchase 6 high-speed electric trains with the participation of Korea's Eximbank. A contract with the Republic of Korea's "Hyundai Rotem" company was signed on June 14, 2024, and a Presidential Decree regarding the implementation of the project was adopted on August 12.

According to the decision, the total value of the project amounts to 220.03 million euros. The project implementation period is 6 years.

This project plans to increase passenger transport to 1.3 million people per year and create more than 300 additional jobs. is being planned.

The project's estimated payback period is set at 25.1 years. 

The responsible executive bodies for the targeted and efficient use of Korea Eximbank's loans are "Uzbekistan Railways" JSC and its subsidiary "Temiryo’lexpress" JSC.

For information, by the end of 2024, the electrification works on the 465 km Bukhara-Urgench-Khiva railroad sections are expected to be completed by the end of 2026, and for the 196 km Miskin-Nukus railroad sections, with the completion of electrification works, it is planned to increase the speed of electric trains up to 250 km/h.

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