
In Jizzakh, 55 assistant governors were punished.

Individuals responsible for violations were held administratively accountable.

Image of 'In Jizzakh, 55 assistant governors were punished.'

When the Business Ombudsman analyzed the timely review of entrepreneurs' submissions, instances of legal violations by some deputy mayors were identified. The ombudsman's press service  reported this.

It has been reported that, based on the decision No. 373 of the Cabinet of Ministers, the deputy mayor must review the entrepreneur's application for a loan within 5 days and enter their conclusion into the Unified electronic platform. However, 55 deputy mayors in the Jizzakh region did not comply with this requirement. Due to their inaction, the submissions of more than 110 entrepreneurs were not reviewed on time.

Specifically, the application for a loan by the director of a Limited Liability Company in Zomin district was reviewed 60 days later than the specified deadline, serving as an example.

Responsible individuals who committed legal violations were held administratively accountable.

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