
Henceforth, there will be no territorial discrimination based on "propiska" (registration).

Changes are being implemented in the registration ("propiska") system between Tashkent and residents of other regions.

Image of 'Henceforth, there will be no territorial discrimination based on "propiska" (registration).'

The procedure for registration and notifying of the place of residence for citizens of Uzbekistan, foreign citizens, and stateless persons according to their place of residence has been considered in the first reading here.

Nowadays, our citizens move freely across the country, including in the city and region of Tashkent, acquiring housing, finding employment, accessing medical and other social services without obstacle, and traveling to foreign countries without any difficulties.

Due to the Law on “The list of categories of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who must be registered at a permanent place of residence in the city and region of Tashkent”, bureaucratic obstacles have arisen in the registration of citizens in the city and region of Tashkent, whether for permanent or temporary stays.

This draft law, by revoking the aforementioned Law, proposes to introduce a unified procedure for citizens' registration according to their place of residence throughout the republic, as well as to improve the system of notifying about the place of stay in a perfected manner for temporary residences.

From now on, there will be no separate registration process for the city and region of Tashkent, and this practice will be abandoned for other regions as well, a uniform procedure will be implemented throughout the republic.

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