
In what situations can a student take an academic leave?

In accordance with the regulations on granting academic leave, students have the right to take an academic leave, regardless of the form of education they choose.

Image of 'In what situations can a student take an academic leave?'

To request an academic leave, a student should apply to the rector (director) of the Higher Education Institution (HEI) with an application  

An academic leave may be granted in the following cases:

  • for military service;
  • for health recovery;
  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • for childcare;
  • to take care of a sick family member (parent, their equivalent, spouse, child).

 Academic leave can be granted at any time during the academic year, for the following periods:

  • for military service — for the duration specified by the legislation for military service;
  • for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for childcare — for the duration specified by the legislation for maternity and parental leave;
  • for health recovery and caring for a sick family member — until the start of the next semester not fully attended by the student 

In this case, one of the specified periods will be determined by the rector (director) of the higher education institution, according to the student's application.

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