
After washing your head, going outside is dangerous for your health.

The expert provided information about the consequences of this.

Image of 'After washing your head, going outside is dangerous for your health.'

Autumn has arrived, and the temperature is gradually decreasing. Some people enjoy taking a warm bath in the morning regardless of the circumstances. Others have a habit of washing their head in the morning before going to work or school. 

So, how correct is this? What consequences can going out with a wet head lead to?

The Press Service of the Ministry of Health got a detailed answer to these questions from Sanjar Mavlonov, a top-category doctor.

 — Nowadays, among some of the youth, it has become a habit to wash their head in the morning and go outside, — says the specialist. — In this case, they think drying their hair with a blow dryer is sufficient. However, the roots of the hair and its inner layers do not dry within 4 hours. As you see, this could lead to serious diseases.

In particular, when the hair is wet, the head loses heat very quickly. As a result, the blood vessels in it contract, the nutrition of the hair worsens, and it begins to fall out. Of course, this is the mildest consequence.

Moreover, going out in the morning with wet hair, without drying it, can weaken the body's immune system. Especially in the cool autumn air, the skin's moisture condition can provoke chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, frontitis, tonsillitis, and otitis. If there is a strong predisposition to these diseases, the risk increases even more.

 One of the most serious consequences is neuralgia of the trigeminal or facial nerves. This is a painful syndrome, and its treatment can take a long time.

The biggest risk of going out without drying the hair is meningitis, i.e., the inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes. This — is a group of diseases, which can be viral or bacterial. In this case, various infections enter the meninges and develop there. 

As a result, the patient complains of severe headache. The body temperature often rises to 39-40 degrees. Worse, the risk of infection increases in the cold air. If timely treatment is not administered, the consequences could be dire.

Therefore, to avoid the above-mentioned diseases, it is advisable to go outside with a head covering, at least two hours after washing and drying the hair with a blow dryer, especially if the air temperature is very low.

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