
In Samarkand, a woman who was constantly beaten by her husband killed herself.

The man has also been beating his underage son and daughter.

Image of 'In Samarkand, a woman who was constantly beaten by her husband killed herself.'

In Samarkand, a woman who was constantly beaten by her husband and forced to work as a laborer committed suicide. The man also took all the money she earned from her labor work.

As it turned out, the man had been beating not only his wife but also their underage son and daughter. According to the investigation, the woman could not tell her family about the problem because her father had high blood pressure. However, her parents became aware that their daughter was living under constant abuse. When they came to advise their son-in-law, he threw them out of the house.

When the man beat his wife and worsened her condition, he did not allow calling a doctor or going to the hospital. Her mother-in-law, in her illness, told her "You might as well die there" and drove her away.

On the night the woman killed herself, the children said they saw their mother's corpse. Their stepmother forced them to sleep by threatening to "put worms in their ears." That same day, the man stabbed two other people who had come to inquire about the woman's condition.

He was sentenced under Article 103 part 2 "a", with an 8-year imprisonment, Article 104 part 2 "b,g" with a 5-year imprisonment penalty, Article 109 part 2 with a 1-year restriction of freedom, and in accordance with Articles 59, 61, a 9-year imprisonment penalty was assigned.

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