
Superbacteria could cause the death of nearly 40 million people within 25 years.

Based on the results of studies conducted by leading doctors around the world, experts from the World Health Organization have come to the following conclusion.

Image of 'Superbacteria could cause the death of nearly 40 million people within 25 years.'

The information was announced in the prestigious British medical journal “The Lancet”, as reported by the Ministry of Health Press Service.

“Humanity has made significant progress in the battle against antimicrobial-resistant microbes,— says Professor Stein Follset of the University of Washington. —However, the achievements are not sufficient. Because by 2050, antimicrobial-resistant microbes are likely to cause the deaths of 8 million people annually, either directly or indirectly. To prevent this, we urgently need to develop new strategies”. 

According to experts' calculations, by 2050, antimicrobial-resistant infections are expected to endanger the lives of 39.1 million people, moreover, these infections and related pathologies are estimated to result in 169 million deaths. 

Among those most affected will be the populations of South Asian countries, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, with nearly 11.8 million people at risk of falling victim to super bacteria. Southeast and East Asian countries are predicted to be next in line.

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