
The state control will be implemented in the fight against illegal use of energy resources, ensuring correct translation, and adherence to sentence delivery and punctuation marks.

Changes were made to some documents by the decree of the President.

Image of 'The state control will be implemented in the fight against illegal use of energy resources, ensuring correct translation, and adherence to sentence delivery and punctuation marks.'

“In connection with the improvement of the field of combating illegal use of energy resources, the President's Decree on Amendments and Additions to Some Documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan (PF-20, February 10, 2025) was adopted.”

According to the Decree, the following amendments and additions regarding the President's certain documents were introduced:

identifying cases of wasteful use of fuel and energy resources as well as their illegal and inefficient use;

simplifying the mechanisms for implementing state control to prevent the distribution of substandard fuel products.

Specifically, according to the additional amendment to the President's Decree dated May 24, 2023, available at the Decree:

The Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Electricity, Petroleum Products, and Gas (Uzenergoinspectiya) conducts inspections at any time of the day within the scope of control measures on compliance with the legislative acts regulating the activities of economic entities engaged in the extraction, production, processing, transportation, storage, delivery (distribution, sale), and consumption of fuel and energy resources. These inspections are carried out in accordance with the procedure of informing the authorized body by registering in the "Unified State Control" information system within 24 hours after the start of the inspection. 

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