
On the occasion of the holiday, a group of women were awarded.

This was announced in a presidential decree.

Image of 'On the occasion of the holiday, a group of women were awarded.'

According to the President's decree, the following group of women were awarded.

«Dustlik» Order with

Abilova Aigul Tursunovna - Janitor of the Konimekh district beautification department, Navoi region

Gazieva Lyubov Borisovna - Specialist of the department at the «National Metrology Institute of Uzbekistan» state institution

Gaibnazarova Nodira Bakhodirzhanovna - Director of labor protection department of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan

Jamolova Dilnoza Muyiddinovna - Deputy director of the Institute of History under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Kozikhonova Orzigul Muydinovna - Chairperson of the Committee on Youth, Women, Culture, and Sports of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Kunnazarova Bibisara Kalmuratovna - Member of the board of the "Hunarmand" association in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, yurt equipment weaver

Mamadiyarova Nasiba Ablakulovna - Deputy head of Bulungur district - head of the family and women's department, Samarkand region

Mambetniyazova Gulzar Sherniyazovna - Deputy head of Chimboy district - head of the family and women's department, Republic of Karakalpakstan

Minaeva Gulnara Akramovna - Chief master of the workshop at the Samarkand wagon depot of the «Uzbekistan Railways» joint-stock company's «Uzvagontamir» joint-stock company, Samarkand region

Mirzaeva Habiba Babaevna - Member of the folklore ensemble «Oltin meros» and leader of the «E'zozli ayollar» sports circle in Oqoltin district, Sirdarya region

Musurmanova Aynisa - Deputy director of the Family and Gender Science Research Institute under the Committee for Family and Women Affairs of Uzbekistan

Rabotneva Larisa Alexandrovna - Engineer of the service ensuring the quality of Western-made aircrafts at «Uzbekistan Airways Technics» limited liability company

Salikhova Mavlida Nazrullaevna - Expert of the «Oydin Nur» social protection center for families in Bukhara region

Sultonova Khubon Toirovna - Leader of the «Oqila ayollar» movement of the «Qavola Mahmud» community residents' assembly in Bukhara district, Bukhara region

Tojibayeva Sanobarkhon Uktamovna - Head of «Chust Uktamjon Service» limited liability company in Chust district, Namangan region

Tursunkulova Jamila Shamsievna - Crane operator of the zinc rolling department at the «Uzbekistan Metallurgy Plant» joint-stock company, Tashkent region

Shomuratova Oygul Jabbarovna - Flower grower of the beautification department of Termez district, Surkhandarya region

Elboeva Klara Chulievna - Head shepherd of the «Nishon qorako'lchilik» limited liability company in Nishon district, Kashkadarya region

Yuldasheva Mehri Artikovna - Deputy head of Dehqonobod district - head of the family and women's department, Kashkadarya region

With II degree «For a Healthy Generation» Order

Adkhamjonova Mavludakhon Khamzayevna - Member of the Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Akhmedova Sorakhon Tolipjanovna - Professor of the Administrative Law Department at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Kamolova Istat Shukurovna - Deputy head of G'ijduvan district - head of the family and women's department, Bukhara region

Negmatova Khalima Utabovna - Deputy head of Jizzakh city - head of the family and women's department, Jizzakh region

Saidova Dilfuza Eshkulovna - Director of the 22-specialized general secondary school in Jizzakh city, Jizzakh region

Soliyeva Uktamkhon Qozoqovna - Teacher at Erkin Vohidov Creative School, poetess, Fergana region

Sultanova Dilshoda Namazovna - Professor at the Art Department of Samarkand State Architectural and Construction University, Samarkand region


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