The Central Bank's Banking Supervision Committee held 8 meetings in February of this year, where 43 issues were reviewed and the relevant decisions were made. This was reported by the Press Service of the Central Bank.
It was reported that issues discussed included amendments to the charters of credit institutions in eight cases, registration of three new microfinance organizations, granting permission for ownership of shares in the charter capital of credit institutions in five cases, opening one representative office, and considering candidates for members of the supervisory boards and executives as well as key employees of commercial banks in thirteen cases.
Also, the microfinance organization "Ishonch Plus Hamkor", which was decided to be dissolved by its founders, was removed from the state register.
Furthermore, discussions on the financial status of banks covered 12 issues, resulting in warnings to three banks for non-compliance with economic norms and legislative requirements, and five banks were subjected to fines due to violations found during inspection audits.