
In Samarkand, the prices of drinking and sewage water will be increased from April 1.

The cost of one cubic meter of drinking water is 2,800 so'm for the population and 6,700 so'm for legal entities.

Image of 'In Samarkand, the prices of drinking and sewage water will be increased from April 1.'

From April 1, new tariffs will be introduced for drinking and sewage water services in the Samarkand region, reports Spot.

The deputies of the people of the regional council approved new prices for drinking water supply and sewage services on March 24, according to the confirmation.

Accordingly, the price per cubic meter of drinking water is set as follows:

  • for the population  — 2800 UZS;
  • for budget organizations and  wholesale consumers  — 6700 UZS.

For the sewage service:

  • for the population  — 1900 UZS;
  • for budget organizations and  wholesale consumers  — 5300 UZS.

In this case, the prices for drinking and sewage water for the population, budget organizations, and wholesale consumers are calculated without VAT.

The execution of this decision is entrusted to the permanent commission of the deputies of the people's regional council on local budget, development of entrepreneurship and economic reforms, and the deputy of the regional governor, Akmal Shukurov.

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