
A man who hit 5 people walking by the roadside in Fergana has been jailed.

A skilled driver has caused the death of 4 pedestrians.

Image of 'A man who hit 5 people walking by the roadside in Fergana has been jailed.'

The driver who caused the death of 4 pedestrians in Fergana was sentenced to 9 years in prison. The press service of the regional Traffic Department  reported this.

On February 20, 2024, while driving a Cobalt car on the Kokand – Mulkobod – Gulbagh Pungan road section through the Dangara district, citizen Sh.V. lost control, hit 5 pedestrians moving along the right side of the road, and fled the scene.

Investigations revealed that the 26-year-old driver was identified and found to be driving under the influence of alcohol and had taken the potent substance "tropicamide". A forensic chemical examination confirmed the intake of alcoholic beverages and "tropicamide".

The Criminal Code's Article 266, Part 3 "a" was invoked to initiate a criminal case against the driver by the Investigation Department of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs, and the driver was detained.

The criminal case was reviewed by the Kokand City Court on criminal cases. Driver Sh.V. fully admitted his guilt in court.

By the court's verdict, he was found guilty of committing crimes under Article 117, Part 3 "a" (endangering leading to human death) and Article 266, part 3 "a" of the Criminal Code (violating the safety regulations of traffic or use of transport vehicles leading to human death).

He was sentenced to 9 years in prison with a 3-year suspension of the right to operate any type of vehicle. The sentence is to be served in a penal colony.

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