
The Presidents of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan held the first session of the Supreme Interstate Council.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev called this a historic event in the development of strategic partnership and alliance relations between the two countries, paying attention to the deliverance of the sentence and punctuation marks.

Image of 'The Presidents of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan held the first session of the Supreme Interstate Council.'

In the Oqo'rda residence, the first meeting of the Supreme Interstate Council was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. This was reported by the Presidential Press Service  

The leader of our state expressed gratitude to the leader and people of Kazakhstan for the warm reception and emphasized that this day holds special significance in the history of Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan cooperation.

- Today we are holding the first meeting of the Supreme Interstate Council. This is considered a historical event in the development of strategic partnership and alliance relations between our countries, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The rapid development of Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan relations in recent years was specially noted.

Meetings of the Intergovernmental Commission and Business Council, business forum, political consultations, analytical centers forum, and intellectual games were successfully held within the visit. Film days, exhibitions, concerts, and many other events are continuing.

The leaders of both countries welcomed with satisfaction the adoption of the strategic partnership and alliance program for 2024-2034. This program signifies the beginning of a new quality stage in the friendship and good neighborly relations between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

During the meeting, our state leader outlined a number of priority tasks.

First of all, the importance of coordinating positions within international structures and effectively promoting common interests was emphasized.

An agreement was reached to enhance the effectiveness of dialogues, establish an Inter-Parliamentary Forum, and continue the active work of the Experts Council.

The possibilities of increasing the volume of trade exchange to 10 billion dollars in the coming years were thoroughly discussed. A separate program will be adopted by the end of the month for this purpose. Special attention will be paid to mutually developing markets and eliminating existing restrictions.

Our country's leader stressed the necessity of adopting a new strategy for industrial cooperation.

The parties positively assessed the signing of significant agreements worth 7 billion dollars based on the results of the business forum and business meetings held yesterday.

This cooperation involves the energy, logistics, construction, chemical, electrical engineering, textile, agro-industrial, and other sectors.

The acceleration of launching the International Industrial Cooperation Center and the issue of establishing a joint fund to support promising projects were agreed upon.

Relations between the regions, being the real driving force of economic cooperation, were identified as one of the key directions of strategic partnership.

A decision was made to turn the forum into a Council of Regions covering all provinces and central cities and to hold its first meeting in Samarkand this autumn. Governments were tasked with approving schedules of mutual visits between regions to reach specific agreements.

There was expressed readiness to jointly implement projects on building energy capacities and infrastructure, and developing alternative energy sources. Acceleration of preparatory works for major regional projects, primarily the construction of the Kambarata HPP, was agreed upon.

It was agreed to develop new transport corridors between the two countries involving the business circles in the sphere of transport and transit. Additionally, the importance of strengthening the modern logistics infrastructure was emphasized.

A unified approach to water usage in the region was noted. Efforts to form a reliable legal base, automate, and digitalize water management facilities will continue.

Special attention was paid to developing exchanges in culture, education, youth, and tourism sectors.

- These days, in Astana, days of Uzbek cinema, exhibitions, festivals, concerts are being held. The "Zakovat" intellectual game was successful. Such events bring our youth closer together, introducing them to our common history and values closer, - said the leader of our state.

A plan of action for cultural and humanitarian cooperation for 2024-2025 will also serve this purpose.

In the field of education, the activities of leading higher education institutions in both countries - the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers in Almaty and the Muktаr Auezov South Kazakhstan University branch in Chirchiq will be launched today.

Our country's leader expressed gratitude to the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for the initiative to erect a statue of the great son of the Uzbek people, the poet and philosopher Alisher Navoi, in Astana.

The parties confirmed their support for deepening integration and cooperation in Central Asia. As noted, the Consultative Meeting became an effective mechanism for jointly solving the tasks facing the region and developing a long-term regional agenda.

Readiness to continue close and open dialogue within the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Turkic States, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, and other structures was expressed.

At the end of the negotiations, Shavkat Mirziyoyev invited Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to visit Uzbekistan for the second meeting of the Supreme Interstate Council.

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