
In Bukhara, a person who hunted fish listed in the Red Book was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

Four citizens, having caught close to 40 fish, caused damage amounting to nearly 300 million som.

Image of 'In Bukhara, a person who hunted fish listed in the Red Book was sentenced to 2 years in prison.'

Citizens who illegally caught fish in Bukhara were finally sentenced by the court. The Ministry of Ecology reported this.

On December 16, 2023, it was discovered that 4 citizens caught 12 Turkestan barbels listed in the Red Book, 7 sculpins, 17 silver carps, and one carp using a prohibited method, namely with a net, in the "Og'itma" lake. As a result, the nature was damaged for 292 million 162 thousand som, and the documents were submitted to the court.

It is noted that regarding this case, 3 offenders were sentenced to 4 years and 6 months of restricted freedom under part 3 of Article 202 of the Criminal Code.

Furthermore, another offender was subjected to Article 202 part 3 subparagraphs “g", "e", "zh” of the Criminal Code and applying Article 57 of the Criminal Code, was deprived of freedom for 2 years.

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