
"My greatest goal is to please my people, to see them happy."

The President visited the "Juzimbag" neighborhood in the Kegeyli district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and met with the youth.

Image of '"My greatest goal is to please my people, to see them happy."'

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Juzimbag neighborhood in the Kegeyli district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. This was reported by the President's press service here.

Here, nearly 4,300 residents live. There are three schools, six kindergartens, and more than seventy business entities where the population is permanently employed.

The area, specialized in livestock and farming, has household plots for 990 families. The experience of Saykhunobod is being utilized by employing local opportunities. In particular, more than 128 hectares of land have been allocated to 174 citizens for farming for a long term. They are farming to earn additional income for their households. The number of families setting up greenhouses and harvesting twice a year is increasing.

In the neighborhood, the “Orol Agro” enterprise has established the “Youth Vineyard” allocating on average 25 ares of land to 40 people.

The rows between these efficiently managed vineyards are also being utilized skillfully. Various vegetables are grown, producing up to 400 tons of produce. With the vineyards fully fruiting, it is anticipated to harvest about 200 tons of product worth 4 billion UZS annually.

The state leader conversed with the young men and women farming in this area.

They talked about utilizing the opportunities of recent years to obtain land for farming, growing vegetables and herbs, and earning an income. They discussed their plans and intentions.

  • I am pleased to see you being industrious, the confidence in your eyes. My greatest goal is this - to make my people satisfied, to see them happy. Our actions are correct, we just need to expand them, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The President gave instructions to build a refrigerated storage for agricultural products based on the suggestions of the youth, and to help needy young men and women with their wedding expenses and contract payments.

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