
The Taliban fired more than 280 policemen for not growing beards.

According to the annual report, over 13,000 people have been arrested for not adhering to Afghan traditions.

Image of 'The Taliban fired more than 280 policemen for not growing beards.'

“The Taliban” movement dismissed more than 280 policemen in 2023 for not obeying the beard-growing order and thus not adhering to Islamic laws. Reuters reported this. 

According to the annual report of the Afghan administration, more than 13,000 people were arrested for “immoral acts” for not adhering to Islamic laws and Afghan traditions, more than half of whom were held accountable. In addition, 21,328 musical instruments were destroyed, and a halt was put on the sale of “immoral and unacceptable” films in local markets.

It is noted that the report does not include information about women being arrested for violating Islamic dress codes and going out without the company of men.  

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