
A man who harassed a girl in the Tashkent metro has been jailed.

The man in court claimed it was not intentional, but an accidental touch, and asked for leniency.

Image of 'A man who harassed a girl in the Tashkent metro has been jailed.'

A man was imprisoned for three days for holding a girl from the lower part of her waist and committing lascivious molestation in the Tashkent metro. The capital's courts information service reported this to 

Accordingly, on July 26, a citizen was accused of holding a girl from the lower part of her waist and committing lascivious molestation inside the "Amir Temur" station train. During the court session, the violator confessed to his guilt, stating that his hand accidentally touched the girl's lower waist area, but he did not intentionally perform such actions and asked the court for leniency. 

The man was found guilty of committing the offense specified in Part 1 of Article 411 of the Administrative Responsibility Code and was sentenced to three days of administrative detention based on this article.

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