
A working group was formed to develop the concept of the pension reform project.

The concept must be presented to the Presidential Administration by March 1, 2025.

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A concept for reforming the state pension system will be developed in Uzbekistan. This is envisaged in the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 23rd here.

The document approves the composition of the working group that will develop the concept project. It will be led by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy and Finance Jamshid Kochkorov. The group includes his first deputy Ilhom Norkulov, the Director of the Agency for Strategic Reforms under the President Bahodir Rahmatov, and deputy heads of other ministries and agencies. Moreover, experts from the International Monetary Fund, the Asian Development Bank and the International Labour Organization will be involved.

The working group will analyze the existing problems in the current pension system, preparing proposals aimed at ensuring its sustainability and strengthening social justice based on advanced foreign experience.

The task to develop a project of the pension system reform concept and submit it to the President's administration by March 1, 2025, has been given.

In this regard, the working group on the concept project is to broadly cover the essence of the proposals being prepared through the media and social networks, and also to conduct surveys.

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