
The cases of tuberculosis infection have sharply increased in the world.

The World Health Organization announced a new report on tuberculosis.

Image of 'The cases of tuberculosis infection have sharply increased in the world.'

According to the Press Service of the WHO, it is noted that in 2023, this disease was identified in 8.2 million people worldwide. The worrisome aspect is that this is 0.7 million more than in 2022 and the highest indicator recorded since 1995.

“In 2023, tuberculosis became the leading cause of death from infectious diseases, surpassing COVID-19 in this regard, — the report states. — Last year, 1.25 million people died as a result of tuberculosis, and although this figure has slightly decreased compared to the previous year, the number of patients has increased to approximately 10.8 million".

 The highest number of cases were reported in India (26 percent), Indonesia (10 percent), China (6.8 percent), the Philippines (6.8 percent), and Pakistan (6.3 percent).

 According to the conclusion of the WHO, the widespread occurrence of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis worldwide is a "crisis factor". In turn, the organization highlighted five main factors that increase the risk of this infectious disease’s development. 

These are — malnutrition, HIV infection, diseases related to the effects of alcoholic beverages, smoking, and diabetes. 

We remind you that in Uzbekistan, the effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment has been brought up to 90 percent in recent years, which aligns with the WHO's strategy for ending the disease.

Also, due to the measures specified in the decisions of the President and the Government, in recent years, the level of tuberculosis infection in our country decreased by 1.5-2 times, and the death cases decreased by 6-8 times. This is an indicator achieved by very few countries in the world.

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