In the process of journalistic investigation, it was revealed that a bank employee had registered loans in the names of citizens, embezzling the money, which led to an administrative case being opened against the reporter Ruhsora Gafurova.
Reporter Ruhsora Gafurova prepared material concerning the fraud by a bank employee in Jizzakh.
In the course of the journalistic investigation, it mentions that a bank employee had registered loans in the names of citizens and embezzled them.
- The documents related to the violation mentioned in the video should have, according to the law, immediately resulted in a criminal case being opened against the employee after the broadcast went on air, - says the head of the "Ezgulik" society, Abdurakhmon Tashanov. - Because, according to the requirements of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the report of a crime by a mass media is a basis for opening a criminal case.
However, the opposite happened - an administrative case was initiated against Ruhsora herself based on the complaint of the bank employee. Allegedly, the journalist has insulted the honor and dignity of the bank employee and committed a violation by reporting on her crime.
According to the documents, part of the loan taken out in the names of other individuals by the bank employee has been paid by her husband - a judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sharofiddin Boliev, through his plastic card. The judge might have been aware of this violation and protected his law-breaking wife. It's highly likely that the attack on the journalist was also backed by the judge himself.
I am not surprised by such elements in a society where the law does not prevail. I would not be surprised if these crimes are supported by the Supreme Court itself - it's the law of the jungle. If anyone considers themselves a colleague of Ruhsora, let's unite, let's protect the truth. My lawyer friends, please, extend your helping hand! It looks like facing violence is a fate we all share.
The Press Service of the Supreme Judicial Council announced that the Judges' Ethics Committee will investigate the possible involvement of a member of the judicial community in this administrative violation.