
In one year, more than 900,000 requests were satisfied.

The requests have decreased by 24% in Namangan, 21% in Tashkent region, 11% in Fergana, and 7% in the city of Tashkent.

Image of 'In one year, more than 900,000 requests were satisfied.'

Interaction with the people, and addressing their applications are among the important criteria that define social justice. In this context, an application, petition, or complaint acts as a persistent indicator reflecting the state of society, whereas our country's leader-founded Public Reception Offices serve as a unique “barometer” highlighting systematic issues in any field of public life, vividly showing what problems are critical in which regions. In 2024, nearly 1.2 million appeals were received by the President's virtual and Public Reception Offices, with the number of complaints and petitions decreasing by 64,100 compared to the previous year. Particularly, the number of appeals decreased by 24 percent in Namangan, 21 percent in the Tashkent region, 11 percent in Fergana, and 7 percent in Tashkent city.

In 2024, out of more than 1.12 million considered appeals, almost 938,000 or 83.7 percent were satisfied. This means that the satisfaction of more than 566,600 appellants was achieved. If divided by sectors, issues related to gas, electricity, drinking water and coal supply, housing and communal services, execution proceedings, alimony and debt collection, medical-social services, healthcare, quality of telecommunication services, and insurance activities were resolved by 60-80 percent.

Another transparent platform of interaction with the people - the field of mobile and public receptions is also expanding. Last year, more than 405,700 appeals were considered in such lively and open dialogues organized by the President's Public Reception Offices, with 81.3 percent resolved. This led to the satisfaction of more than 330,000 appeals.

If the response to the appeal involves the participation of the citizen, an effective solution to the complaint or petition is found. Hence, Public Reception Offices examined on-site nearly 28,000 decisions taken on more than 20,000 appeals. In collaboration with deputies, nearly 6,000 appeals were considered, more than 3,500 of which were positively resolved. Regarding sector activities, close to 4,400 monitors and about 4,600 studies were conducted on the state of handling appeals in government agencies.

Based on appeals similar studies led to the submission of more than 2,400 pieces of information to the councils of people's deputies, based on which nearly 3,500 reports from leaders of state agencies and sectors were heard. As for issues that must be reviewed to solve problems, 4,721 presentations, more than 5,000 proposals, and 9,119 instructions were submitted. As a result, 3,826 responsible employees from state agencies who did not address public appeals satisfactorily were held accountable, with 369 of them being dismissed from their positions, 779 subjected to administrative penalties, 269 fined from their monthly salary, and 2,409 reprimanded. Additionally, the initiative of Public Reception Offices led to the prosecution and administrative misconduct proceedings against another 347 responsible employees for violation of laws related to handling appeals. Moreover, over 6,100 responsible employees were formally warned. Another pressing issue of today is creating conditions and providing assistance to increase the income of the population. In 2024, based on the analysis of appeals, the President's Public Reception Offices effectively implemented a new five-step“From Appeal to Income”” project aimed at supporting family entrepreneurship to create new jobs. It involved comprehensive measures ranging from individual assessment of the family situation of citizens who frequently complained about material aid to preparing appellants for earning income, vocational training, providing them with necessary tools, and pairing them up with proficient and experienced entrepreneurs with their own market base. The project successfully involved about 2,500 appellants in income-generating activities.

“From Appeal to Income” projectwas implemented in over 400 neighborhoods in Karakalpakstan, Bukhara, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Namangan, Surkhandarya, Fergana, and Khorezm regions, where thousands of people in small enterprises are building the foundation of their prosperous future today. 

In a nutshell, the system of interaction with the people is stepping into a new phase of development. The cooperation between Public Reception Offices and the “community councils” is strengthening. The main goal is to identify problems at the community level at first instance, and to find a just solution for every issue raised in each appeal. Indeed, interacting with the people is the only way through which social justice that every person, every family strives for through all times, can be achieved. As the great enlightenment figure and our ancestor, Abdulla Avloniy emphasized, “The progress and ascent of every nation, the longevity of states and governments are bound to justice”.

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