
"Samarkand bread" has been registered in the state list.

Today, the Minister of Justice handed over the document of the geographical indication for "Samarkand bread" to the acting governor of the Samarkand region.

Image of '"Samarkand bread" has been registered in the state list.'

On February 4 of this year, the Minister of Justice presented the acting governor of the Samarkand region, Adiz Boboev, with the "Samarkand bread" geographical indicator document here.

According to the Law on "Geographical Indications," a sign that identifies goods as originating from a certain geographical area, where a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic of the goods is essentially attributed to its geographical origin, is recognized as a geographical indication.

The Ministry of Justice is the authorized body for the legal protection of geographical indications. With the assistance of the Samarkand regional justice department and the "Intellectual Property Center" state institution, the "Samarkand bread," famous worldwide, was registered by the Ministry of Justice as a geographical indication on February 4 of this year.

Today, the Minister of Justice Akbar Toshkulov handed over the "Samarkand bread" geographical indication document to the acting governor of the Samarkand region, Adiz Boboev.

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