In 2024, criminal courts considered 613,142 administrative offense cases involving 740,994 individuals, and administrative penalties were imposed on 469,568 individuals.penalties were applied.
Due to reconciliations, 94,886 individuals were exempted from administrative responsibility.
The majority of considered administrative offense cases include minor hooliganism, engaging in passenger transport by automobile without a license, failure to comply with the lawful demands of law enforcement officers, insult, violation of electricity, heating, gas usage rules, drivers' violations of traffic rules leading to slight bodily injuries or significant material damage to the victim, violation of trade or service provision rules, public consumption of alcoholic beverages, driving vehicles under the influence, and carrying cold weapons or items that can be used as cold weapons.
In appeals, cases of administrative offenses involving 9,899 persons were reviewed involving 8,297 cases. Decisions made by first instance courts against 2,581 individuals were annulled, and court decisions regarding 2,945 individuals were modified.
In cassation proceedings, 6,657 administrative offense cases involving 7,124 persons were reviewed. Decisions made by first instance courts against 2,644 individuals were annulled, and court decisions regarding 1,863 individuals were modified.
The Criminal Panel of the Supreme Court reviewed 1,769 administrative offense cases involving 1,919 individuals in a supervisory procedure. Decisions made by lower courts against 359 individuals were annulled, and court decisions regarding 464 individuals were modified.