
In the next 25 years, nearly 2.5 billion young people may lose their hearing ability - WHO

It is predicted that 700 million people will need rehabilitation.

Image of 'In the next 25 years, nearly 2.5 billion young people may lose their hearing ability - WHO'

It is known that excessive loud noise can damage hearing. Similarly, there are standard decibel levels for listening to music. 

However, many young people are not following these recommendations. Consequently, over 1 billion young people across our planet are at risk of losing their hearing capability. 1 billion young people are at risk of losing their hearing capability.

Specifically, according to the statement of B.Berdikulichev, the representative of the World Health Organization in Russia, by 2050, nearly 2.5 billion young individuals might suffer from some degree of hearing loss, as reported by WHO. 

Furthermore, it is predicted that an additional 700 million people will need rehabilitation. 

According to the representative of WHO, there is a possibility to treat more than 60 percent of hearing loss-related diseases at the primary stage. The most effective measure, however, is prevention of the disease. 

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