In 2024, courts in Uzbekistan considered 61,481 criminal cases. This information was provided by the Supreme Court here.
Throughout the year, the highest number of people in the last five years — 77,995 individuals were convicted in criminal cases. The degree of social danger of the crimes committed by them varies. In particular, 31,212 individuals (40 percent) committed crimes of lesser social danger, 19,688 citizens (25 percent) committed moderately serious crimes. About 22,951 people (29 percent) committed serious crimes, 4,144 individuals (5 percent) committed especially serious crimes.
The highest number of criminal cases considered by the courts of the first instance was recorded in Tashkent city — 9,886 cases. The highest number of convictions was also in the capital — 12,038 individuals. The second highest was in Tashkent region with a significantly higher number of convicted individuals compared to other regions — 10,238 individuals.
Among those convicted, 402 individuals committed intentional homicide, 2,780 inflicted severe or moderate bodily injuries intentionally, 272 committed sexual assault, 336 robbery, and 833 looting. The most common types of crimes committed were:
- Embezzlement or misappropriation (Article 167 of the Criminal Code) — 6,042 people;
- Theft — 8,321 people;
- Violation of traffic safety rules — 3,221 people;
- Drug-related crimes — 8,373 people;
- Hooliganism 3,223 people.
Last year, approximately 20,655 individuals were sentenced to imprisonment in the republic. This is a record number for the last five years. For comparison, in 2020, 7,107 people, in 2021, 12,922 people, in 2022, 17,610 people, and in 2023, 17,391 people were sentenced to imprisonment.
In 2024, the highest number of individuals sentenced to imprisonment was recorded in Tashkent city — 3,890 individuals. Meanwhile, high numbers were also observed in Tashkent (2,455 individuals) and Fergana (2,311 individuals) regions. The lowest figure was observed in Karakalpakstan (577 individuals).
Last year, a total of 723 individuals were acquitted by the courts. This is the lowest figure in the last seven years.