It was determined that employees at the 50th address colony in the Piskent district of Tashkent region had tortured a prisoner. The press service of the Representative of the Oliy Majlis on Human Rights, Feruza Eshmatova, reported this.
As noted, the prisoner T.I. had appealed to the ombudsman about being tortured by colony employees and being unjustly placed in disciplinary confinement.
When the situation was investigated on-site, it was determined that he had been placed in the district central hospital, and signs of injuries were found on his head and chest.
According to documents related to the case, the prisoner was placed in disciplinary confinement on February 27, and a decision was made to keep him in disciplinary confinement for 10 days.
As emphasized in the ombudsman's report, the decision was reviewed by the Tashkent special prosecutor and annulled. The actions of the colony administration were found to be in violation of the requirements of Article 105 (Conditions for disciplining prisoners) and Article 111 (Concept of gross misconduct) of the Criminal Execution Code.
The prisoner was unjustly held in disciplinary confinement for 6 days, during which his rights and freedoms were violated. For this reason, the ombudsman has submitted a control letter to the Prosecutor General's Office, requesting that action be taken against the employees who allowed the violation of legal requirements.