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Image of 'The WHO has developed a guide to reduce the risk of antibiotic residues.'

Health04.09.2024 18:48

The WHO has developed a guide to reduce the risk of antibiotic residues.

Bacteria resistant to antibiotics are causing the death of 5 million people annually worldwide. If necessary preventative measures are not taken, this figure could reach 10 million by 2050.

Image of 'In Tashkent, more than a thousand buses operate on educational institution routes.'

Society04.09.2024 18:39

In Tashkent, more than a thousand buses operate on educational institution routes.

Today, early in the morning, the Minister of Transport and his deputies personally monitored the operation of these buses according to the scheduled timetable.

Image of 'A citizen who cut down a poplar tree in Samarkand was fined 8.5 million soums.'

Society04.09.2024 18:33

A citizen who cut down a poplar tree in Samarkand was fined 8.5 million soums.

Due to the imposition of a moratorium in the Republic, cutting down trees without the appropriate permissions is strictly prohibited.

Image of '"My mother's prayers protect me."'

Society04.09.2024 18:23

"My mother's prayers protect me."

Sardor Mamadaliyev was held accountable.

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Society04.09.2024 18:17

Image of 'The official exchange rate of the dollar has risen.'

Society04.09.2024 15:52

The official exchange rate of the dollar has risen.

The Central Bank announced the value of foreign currencies in relation to the som.

Image of 'A lawsuit has been filed against the higher education institution that failed to refund the tuition fees to the students.'

Society04.09.2024 15:07

A lawsuit has been filed against the higher education institution that failed to refund the tuition fees to the students.

After suspending studies in the field of "Commercial Law," it was discovered that the university is not refunding the students' contract fees.

Image of 'Uzbekistanis have consumed nearly 54 tons of French ice cream in 7 months.'

Society04.09.2024 14:43

Uzbekistanis have consumed nearly 54 tons of French ice cream in 7 months.

In 2024, Uzbekistan imported ice cream and ice cream products worth 7.5 million dollars from foreign countries.

Image of 'Students can apply online to cover rental payments.'

Society04.09.2024 14:11

Students can apply online to cover rental payments.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation provided information on this matter.

Image of 'A terrible car accident occurred in Samarkand.'

Society04.09.2024 14:07

A terrible car accident occurred in Samarkand.

The Nexia-2, which crashed into the "Volga," burned down completely.

Image of '"The threat and dangers of cyber anaconda are escalating."'

Politics04.09.2024 13:56

"The threat and dangers of cyber anaconda are escalating."

Shavkat Mirziyoyev sent a message to the participants of the international conference on combating terrorism and extremism.

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Society03.09.2024 22:16