
What is the main cause of skin rashes in children related to?

According to analyses, one in every four children in the world suffers from atopic dermatitis.

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 The director of the Republic Specialized Center for Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Ilmira Razikova, provided information about the causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, and treatment approaches for this disease here.

 — Atopic dermatitis – is a hereditary disease, — says the specialist. — If either parent suffers from a similar pathology, the probability of it manifesting in their child is 30-40%. If both parents have the disease, the risk increases to 70-75%.

In infants, this pathology usually develops from the age of 2-3 months and disappears within 3-4 years. However, in some cases, the rashes may persist throughout life. 

Atopic dermatitis is not just a skin disease but a sign of disruptions in the child’s internal body functions. The primary cause is related to food allergies. Furthermore, allergens entering the body through the respiratory tract can also cause rashes. 

Itching — is the primary symptom of the disease. It negatively affects sleep and the mood of the sick child, causing irritability and crankiness. 

 Rashes can appear in various forms, depending on the severity of the disease. In the acute phase, they turn a bright red color, and due to the accumulation of blood at the inflammation site, small swellings are formed. 

In the mild and moderate stages of the disease, the rashes appear in a light red hue. They quickly flake off due to their dryness. The increase in rashes, in most cases, occurs as a result of the skin rubbing against clothing.

 Such sores and rashes in infants are mainly found on the head, neck, and chest areas, and in children and adolescents, on the back of the elbows and knees, as well as on other body parts. 

In young children, atopic dermatitis can commonly manifest as an initial symptom of a range of allergic diseases, including food sensitivity, rhinitis, and asthma.

For effective treatment of atopic dermatitis, accurate diagnosis is essential. However, medical practice sometimes sees the opposite. In such cases, the medical treatments used can lead to severe complications.

Moreover, self-medicating without a doctor's recommendation, unfortunately, also occurs. As a result, instead of improving, the patient's condition may significantly worsen, putting their life at risk.

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