
In Qashqadaryo, the "From Appeal to Income" project is being implemented.

The project is aimed at ensuring employment for the population, forming their sources of income, and thereby ensuring their well-being.

Image of 'In Qashqadaryo, the "From Appeal to Income" project is being implemented.'

The President's Reception Offices are implementing the "From Appeal to Income" project aimed at ensuring employment in the regions, forming sources of income for them, and thereby ensuring their well-being. 

Under the leadership of Ulugbek Muhammadiev, the deputy advisor to the President - head of the People's Reception Office, a Republican working group ceremoniously presented sewing machines and various equipment and tools as President's gifts to needy, unemployed women from the Kashkadarya region who had appealed to the President's Virtual and People's Reception Offices for material assistance. 

Specifically, as part of the project, more than 120 women in the Kamashi, Kokdala, Chiroqchi, Guzar, Dehqonobod, and Yakkabog districts were provided with sewing machines and dairy processing equipment.

Linking each applicant, who received sewing machines, to experienced leading entrepreneurs in their neighborhood is a key factor ensuring the project's vitality and effectiveness. For instance, Olmagul Elmurodova from Takham village, one of Guzar's most remote areas, also expanded her activities by taking on 4 new seamstresses.

 With the assistance of the President's People's Reception Office, a new sewing workshop started in the mountainous Taragay village of Chiroqchi. Ten unemployed women from Taragay formed a cooperative with Gulchehra Rahmatova and began producing seasonal clothing. 

Within the framework of the "From Appeal to Income" project, wells and pumps were put into operation for nearly 40 families in need in the Karshi, Kasbi, and Nishon districts, enabling them to make more efficient use of their land and earn income. For example, Gulsara Shodmonova and Oyzira Yangiboeva, both in need of social protection from Navbahor neighborhood in Nishon and having lost their breadwinner, had their livelihoods blessed with the opening of water sources to their land.

Additionally, 44 needy families in districts like Dehqonobod, Shahrisabz, Mubarak, Kitob, and Koson were supplied with chickens for producing poultry meat and eggs. In general, the "From Appeal to Income" project alone created conditions and opportunities for more than 200 households in the region to earn income. Thus, hundreds of families formed their incomes, and prosperity entered their households.

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