
Individuals engaged in the illegal trade of drugs worth 1.4 billion UZS were arrested in Margilan.

The "Neufol-C" medication was obtained as physical evidence.

Image of 'Individuals engaged in the illegal trade of drugs worth 1.4 billion UZS were arrested in Margilan.'

Individuals engaged in the illegal trade of pharmaceuticals have been apprehended in the Fergana region and the city of Tashkent. This was reported by the Department for the Fight against Economic Crimes under the Prosecutor General's Office.

It was noted that during an urgent measure conducted by the department's Margilan city division, citizens A.S. and M.S., who have been dealing in the sale of illegal pharmaceuticals, were found in their residence in the “Pichoqchi” MFI area with 3,990 packages, totaling 19,950 units, of “Neufol-C” medicine, which is forbidden to be stored, sold, transported, and used in medical practice within the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and is not registered in the state register, with a total value of 1.4 billion UZS, intended for distribution. These pharmaceuticals were seized as physical evidence.

Similarly, during an urgent action conducted by the department's Yunusabad district division, A.A. and others, who have been illegally trading in pharmaceuticals, were caught selling 2,500 boxes of the “NEUFOL-C” product, which lacks the appropriate documentation and is manufactured abroad, to citizen M.Kh. for 21,700 US dollars, at which point physical evidence was obtained.

In regard to these cases, criminal proceedings have been initiated under Article 186-3 of the Criminal Code (the production, preparation, procurement, storage, transportation, or distribution with the intention of selling substandard or counterfeit medicines or medical devices), and investigative actions are being conducted.

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