
In Jizzakh, sisters aged 13 and 4 were killed as a result of being hit by a car.

The girls were crossing the designated part of the road.

Image of 'In Jizzakh, sisters aged 13 and 4 were killed as a result of being hit by a car.'

According to the report from the Department of Internal Affairs of Jizzakh region, on the 18th of November this year, at around 19:30, in the 29 km of the “Gʻallaorol-Bakhmal-Supa-Zomin” 4P-41 road passing through the territory of Bakhmal district, A.O, born in 1991, residing in the Kaltatoy village of Kutlugobod MCA of Bakhmal district, while driving a “Cobalt” model vehicle towards the direction of Osmat, hit two underage pedestrians crossing the road at the designated spot. The pedestrians, I.M, born in 2011, and her sister, I.K, born in 2020, who lived in the Osmat rural citizens' assembly, were struck and caused a road traffic accident. As a result, the sisters suffered various injuries and died at the scene. 
The Investigative Department at the Department of Internal Affairs of Jizzakh region initiated a criminal case against the suspect O.A on the same day, under Article 266, Part 3, Subparagraph “a”, and Article 117, Part 3, Subparagraph “a” of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and was detained and placed in a temporary detention facility.

Currently, preliminary investigation actions are being conducted

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