
Seven former Taiwanese military personnel are suspected of spying for China.

More than 90 thousand dollars have been transferred to them for financing terrorist activities.

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According to the prosecution, Chinese intelligence services have transferred more than 90 thousand dollars to finance subversive activities of Taiwanese ex-military personnel

The Taiwan prosecution has accused 7 retired military officers of accepting bribes from China and promoting Beijing's political interests as well as planning the formation of militant groups to support Chinese troops in the event of a potential invasion of the island. This was reported by the Taipei Times here

According to the investigation, the group leader, a 62-year-old graduate of the Taiwan Military Academy named Chu Hongji, had retired from military service in Taiwan in 2019, went to China, and was recruited as an officer into the People's Liberation Army. 

Chu agreed to establish a spy network in Taiwan and start political activities aimed at promoting Beijing's interests on the island. He formed the "Alliance for Restoration" party, with the motto "Reunify the Chinese people, share peace and happiness for all peoples."

Prosecutors believe that Chinese intelligence agencies have transferred more than 90 thousand dollars to Chu's account to finance his subversive activities, including recruiting active and retired Taiwanese military personnel and promoting pro-Chinese political forces. 

According to law enforcement officials, the suspects, along with snipers, organized spy networks and militarized groups, as well as military "death squads" to eliminate Taiwan-friendly officials and politicians in the event of a Chinese military invasion.

It is known that Taiwan, concerned about a potential Chinese invasion, is seeking to strengthen its defense capabilities.

                                             Abdullah Sayyid

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